Alisha Balan / Алина Балан
Ленинградская область, Санкт-Петербург , Петергоф, Пушкин
О себе:
Hello, dear tourists!
Some words about myself. I was always interested in History of Saint Petersburg, thanks God we have this class in our junior schools. Now I'm getting additional education of teacher of the History of Saint Petersburg.
I've graduated Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, International Management Department in 2011. During my education I had been working as shop assistant in Art Gallery with foreign guests from all over the world for almost 5 years. I missed one summer because I went to USA with the exchanging program for a students where I had improved my language skills. Honestly, I enjoy so much communicating with foreign people that I realized that I have to connect my life with a profession somehow connected with foreigners and history.
Later I've studied at the special courses for the guides and received the State Accreditation for a guides who work in Saint Petersburg.
Also got all the most important licenses for a museums - The Hermitage, Peterhof, Tsarskoe Selo, St.St. Isaac's Cathedral and Church Saviour on spilled blood, Peter and Paul Fortresses. I can say that it was incredible and exciting education for me so I would like to share my knowledges and emotions with my tourists.
Any of my tour can be tailored especially for you, with comfort and smile.
Hope to see you on my tour!
If you are here, you are on the right way of choosing the nice tour in Saint Petersburg, and the most comfortable and interesting excursions to the best museums like The Hermitage, Peterhof and Tsarskoe Selo. This is like MUST HAVE if you came to Saint Petersburg.
Also there are super interesting tours to Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Isaac's Cathedral and Church Saviour on spilled blood - the main cathedrals of the city.
We can make a combination of couple museums in one day, or make 2-3 days tour. I will make it as much convenient as possible to fit in your schedule of stay in Saint Petersburg.
And of course one more classical tour - Sightseeing tour! All the highlights of Saint Petersburg will be there. They are Nevsky Ave., Palace Square, St. Isaac's square with is connected with Senate's Square by St. Isaac's Cathedral, we will cross the Neva river by beautiful bridges couple of times and will see many more sights and world famous architectural monuments. Also there is one more interesting option to do - is to go to the tour by night and watch the world known "mysterious show" of the DRAWING BRIDGES. Everything is up to you, my dead guests.
For groups of less than 4 people I offer my own comfortable car Audi Q3 (even to save your money for the transfer, 2 times less than renting a car).
For groups of 5 and more people I offer comfortable Mini-Vans with hourly rent.
Also I offer the Trasfer from and to the Pulkovo Airport.
In the center of the city we can make a walking tour, that is also pretty long one - about 3 hours.
Also I offer the Trasfer from and to the Pulkovo Airport with a pre-tour on our way.
For the details of the tours and prices please write or call me. I'm offering middle prices, and think twice if you'll find something very cheap - it's not about this city :)
Giving a summary of all that you've just red all that you wish will come true, just try to connect with me a little bit before to get everything 'cause touristic summer season in Saint Petersburg is really busy time.
Thank you for your attention!
Фотографии (8)
Экскурсии (2)

During our tour you will be shown the highlights of one of the best museums in the World. There are about 3 million pieces kept in …
Фотоальбом (1)
Отзывы (5)
Скажу одним словом - СПАСИБО!!! Ты супер!!!
We had a very pleasant experience with Alisha. Her deep knowledge of Russian history and abundant informations of every site make the tour very interesting and engaging. Not to mention her positive spirit and constant smile that make her the best guide!
28/6/2017 Amazing day at Petegov palace! Alisha made it quite different with here smile, knowledge and professionalism. Best guide by far !
Мы были в СПБ всего три дня в июне 2017г. Но эти три дня были незабываемыми ! И это помогла сделать нам - Алина! Это светлый, позитивный и ГЛАВНОЕ очень профессионально подкованный ГИД ! Мягко доводя до нас историю, она словно передала нам свою любовь к этому Великому Городу, его окрестностям, людям и ,памятникам прошлого и настоящего! вместе с ее рассказом, как красочные слайды, проносились перед нашими глазами - картины истории России. Хотелось узнать все больше и больше, и на каждый вопрос - мы получали развернутый ответ. мы были и в Петергофе и в самом Питере. Времени хватило и не хватило! но есть твердое желание - вернуться снова. Кто хочет узнать и увидеть Питер во ВСЕЙ КРАСЕ, понять его современных жителей - Вам обязательно к Алине! не пожалеете ни секунды, гарантирую. плюс она сама ездит на классной машине, что экономит ваши расходы на водителя. Алина, еще раз огромное спасибо Тебе.! приедем еще обязательно!
Нет совпадений! Мы нашли лучший гид в Санкт-Петербурге, и это Алина Балан, A-Class Tours St Petersburg. С профессиональным отношением, но и с артистизмом, она показала нам красоту Петербурга. Величественный город с историей. Я хотел бы посетить Санкт-Петербург и будет полагаться только Алина!!! Cases are gone! We came to the best guide in St. Petersburg and this is Alina Balan, A-Class Tours Saint Petersburg. With professional attitude, but also with artistry, she showed us the beauty of Petersburg. A majestic city with history. I want to visit St. Petersburg again and only rely on Alina!!!